Bay Venues Web

Bay Venues

We are the kaitiaki of community facilities in Tauranga Moana.

Every day our dedicated team enrich the lives of residents and visitors to the city who walk through the doors of the 24 venues we manage on behalf of Tauranga City Council.

From building tiny tots water confidence and cognitive function to enhancing the wellbeing of senior citizen & all in between.

We motivate, activate, and enhance the quality of life for our annual 2 million plus visits.

This includes over 4,000 tamariki who enjoy healthy school kai prepared by Bay Venues as part of the Ministry of Education’s Ka Ora Ka Ako free and healthy school lunches programme.

The profit from this programme and Bay Venues’ commercial businesses not only enhance the fabric of our community with world class events, conferences, and entertainment, but allow us to keep entry to our community facilities affordable and assessable for the whole community.

These community facilities provide tamariki and rangitahi with positive experiences from in the pool to on the court. Physical literacy are essential components of development and we are proud to play our part.

Whether it’s helping our community relax and unwind, providing well-equipped spaces to meet, to developing the city’s future Olympians, or fitting out our facilities to assist non-profit groups to feed those in need.

We strive to nourish and unite the community in all that we do.